Multisite phosphorylation makes a good threshold but can be a poor switch
[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102:14617-22, 2005. PDF.]
with S. Gaubert, INRIA Rocquencourt, Paris
The Perron-Frobenius theorem for homogeneous, monotone functions
[Transactions of the AMS, 356:4931-50, 2004. math.FA/0105091.]
From max-plus algebra to nonexpansive mappings: a nonlinear theory for discrete event systems
[Theoretical Computer Science, 293:141-167, 2003. PDF.]
with S. Gaubert, INRIA Rocquencourt, Paris
The Duality Theorem for min-max functions
[C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 326:43-48, 1998. PDF.]
An Introduction to Idempotency
[J. Gunawardena (ed), "Idempotency", as above. PDF.]
Towards an applied mathematics for computer science
[M. S. Alber, B. Hu, J. J. Rosenthal (eds), ``Current and Future Directions in Applied Mathematics'', Birkhaüser, Boston, 1997.]
New developments in the mathematics of reactive systems
[Invited lecture. A. Mazurkiewicz, J. Winkowski (eds), ``8th International Conference on Concurrency Theory'', Springer LNCS 1243, 1997.]
with M. Keane, CWI Amsterdam
On the existence of cycle times for some nonexpansive maps
[Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-95-03, Hewlett-Packard Labs. PDF.]
Homotopy and concurrency
[Bulletin EATCS, 54:184-193, 1994. Selected for inclusion in G. Paun, G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa (eds), ``Current trends in Theoretical Computer Science: Entering the 21st Century'', World Scientific, 2001. PDF.]
A dynamic approach to timed behaviour
[B. Jonsson, J. Parrow (eds), ``5th International Conference on Concurrency Theory'', Springer LNCS 836, 1994. PDF.]
Min-max functions
[Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 4:377-406, 1994. PDF.]
Causal Automata
[Theoretical Computer Science, 101:265-288, 1992. PDF.]
Geometric logic, causality and event structures
[J. C. M. Baeten, J. F. Groote (eds), ``2nd International Conference on Concurrency Theory'', Springer LNCS 527, 1991. PDF.]
with J. Lannes and S. Zarati
Cohomology of the symmetric group and the Quillen map
["Advances in Homotopy Theory", LMS Lecture Note Series 139, pages 61-68, Cambridge University Press, 1989.]
Stiefel-Whitney classes for represenations of groups
[Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 35:539-50, 1987.]
with J. F. Adams and H. R. Miller
The Segal Conjecture for elementary abelian p-groups
[Topology, 24:435-60, 1985.]
Matrix Algebra for Beginners
[Review material for the graduate course SB100 given at Harvard in Spring 2005, co-taught with Lew Cantley, Walter Fontana and Marc Kirschner.
Part I Part II.]
Notes on the Prion Model of Masel, Jansen and Nowak
[Handout for the undergraduate course MCB195 given at Harvard in Spring 2004, co-taught with Lew Cantley, Walter Fontana and Marc Kirschner.
Chemical Reaction Network Theory for in-silico Biologists
[Lecture notes. 20 June 2003. PDF.]
Notes on Metabolic Control Analysis
[Lecture notes. 21 October 2002. PDF.]
[Online talk, conference on The Future of Mathematical Communication, MSRI, Berkeley, December 1999.]
Basic Research in Mathematics: Collaboration between Academia and Industry
[Appendix 4 of the International Assessment of US Mathematical Sciences, National Science Foundation, March 1998.]
New connections between mathematics and computer science
[Report of a conference held at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, November 1995. John Baez's review. Technical Report HPL-BRIMS-96-02, Hewlett-Packard Labs.]